Careers at Surveypal

Explore remote-friendly, flexible opportunities and join our growing team of like-minded professionals working together to make every (customer) experience count.

Or leave an open application!

Surveypal is made out of this

Birthday cake

Over 16 years of experience

Diverse international team with 20+ employees

Pioneers in feedback management

Collaboration and growth mindset

Our success depends on our people

At Surveypal, we do our best to foster a happy and healthy workforce by offering office and remote work options, supporting personal growth with learning and development programs, and creating an inclusive environment with clear goals and objectives to ensure success.

Remote work and flexibility

Transparency and inclusivity

Learning and continuous development

So, in a way, writing code and writing music are not that different from each other, are they?”

Meet Pauli, a self-taught developer at Surveypal, who uniquely blends his passions for music and coding in his daily life.

Pauli Marttinen

Check out our latest employee stories

Perks and benefits

Work remotely or at the office

Flexible work schedules

Extended occupational health care

Paid vacation and sick time

Lunch benefit

Bicycle benefit

Travel and spending expenses

Continuous learning time

Snacks, hoodies, high fives

We are Surveypal – Join us!

These are the core values that we live by as a company:

  • Growth mindset
  • Inspiring collaboration
  • Valuable feedback

We believe that personal and organizational growth go hand in hand, and in that spirit, we strive to foster an inclusive work environment where every voice is heard, and support is just a Slack message away.

At Surveypal, we celebrate victories and tackle challenges as a team – join us!

Social Surveypal

Send us a meme or drop us a line – either way, we’d love to hear from you!